Open Door Basel donates CHF 10,000 to nonprofits

As a non-profit organisation, we understand and value the work that many volunteer-based organisations put into addressing issues of social and economic importance. That is why every year we donate thousands of francs to institutions we know will benefit from the extra contributions.

Our donations

This year, Open Door Basel donated CHF 10,000 to the five organisations mentioned below. Each institution was given CHF 2,000.

  • SOS Werdende Mütter-Basel: a local organisation that offers free and discreet help to parents who are in trouble, regardless of their background, religious beliefs or social status. The local-based office is run by volunteers and is politically and denominationally neutral. The help takes place through accompaniment and material support.
  • SOS Kinder Dorf: an international organisation providing family support (and housing) and individual care to children in distress. SOS Kinder Dorf has been operating since 1949 with stations in over 150 countries.
  • Chance for Children: Chance for Children has grown into a large relief organisation throughout the years. At the moment it is supporting over 160 children simultaneously in order for them to live an independent life. By now there are around 60 Ghanaian and 3 European women and men working for CFC full-time, in addition to numerous voluntary supporters in Africa as well as in Europe. This is where you can find detailed information about our organisation. Learn more about who we are, what we believe in and what we manage to achieve together.
  • Schwarzer Peter: Black Peter stands for Outreach Social Work in the public space of Basel. The street workers work in the living space of the clientele – people whose center of life is in public space. They establish contacts and restore access to the helpline. The black Peter provides guidance, information, crisis and emergency assistance, assistance, advice, mediation and accompaniment. In addition, the association provides a registration address for people who are not permanently resident and have their center of life in Basel.In the more than 30 years in which the association already exists, many projects with a pioneering character developed at the suggestion or preliminary work of the black Peter. From many small projects, such as In the street kitchen or in the first hall, facilities were created that are an integral part of social Basel. Some changed their name (like the lair, today K + A), many went to other sponsorships. As a result, the black Peter remains small, manageable and flexible. So he can continue to respond quickly to new developments.
  • Indian Hope
    In 1985, Irène Rai traveled to southern India for a long time, after which she worked for 7 months in a large monastery in Kerala. There she met some impoverished widows with children. Although these women do hard work in the fields all day long, their earnings are not enough to feed their children and pay for the necessities of life. Back in Switzerland, Irène started looking for godparents for these women. This is how the first project came about. Soon, 61 other families joined.
    In 1989, Irène met her current partner Balwant from Punjab in northern India. In order to better understand her husband, Irène once again lived for some time in northern India (in Punjab). During this time, the second project, the construction of a large village school.
    So followed by other projects until the year 2000, when finally the club Indian Hope Switzerland was created. Every year, Balwant spends his entire vacation in his home village, building projects with many day laborers.
    Our work is religion-independent, we do not want to proselytize, nor do we want to proselytize.

World Vision sponsor

In addition to the donations above, Open Door Basel also regularly donates CHF 50.00 a month  to World Vision, a humanitarian aid, development and advocacy organisation. We sponsor a little girl there named Majhi Dreepanjali from Kahriar, India. She’s in the 5th grade and 10 years old. Our donations help ensure that she is receiving xxxx.

Interested in donating?

Donation is a wonderful way of teaching children the value of giving, especially around the holiday season. For those interested in learning more about the above organisations and, possibly making an individual contribution, please reach out to their respective institutions. We are sure they wold appreciate the support.




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